Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex

Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex

  • Interesting Facts and information about Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex in Elizabethan Times
  • People and events in Elizabethan Times
  • Major Figures during Elizabethan Times

Picture of Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex


Elizabethan Times - Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex (1566 - 1601)

Elizabethan Times and Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex. He was the step son of the most important favorite of Queen Elizabeth (1533 -1603) - Lord Robert Dudley.


Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex

Introduced to the Queen by her favorite the handsome Robert Devereux made an immediate impression on the Queen. She was always attracted to handsome young men and this penchant did not decrease as she became older. Queen Elizabeth became quite infatuated with Robert Devereux even though he was 33 years younger than the Queen!


Interesting Facts and Information about Elizabethan Times and Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex

Some interesting facts and information about Elizabethan Times and Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex. The Earl of Essex was a favourite of Queen Elizabeth I. He was handsome, witty, arrogant and ambitious and the Queen heaped favours upon her favourite. Essex was made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland - a post in which he failed dismally. His relationship with the Queen deteriorated and he attempted a political coup. He lead a rebellion against Queen Elizabeth and attempted to seize control of the City of London on February 8th 1601. He was arrested and convicted of treason. Dressed in black, but with a bright red waistcoat, Essex executed at the Tower of London on February 25, 1601. Over 100 people witnessed the execution - three strokes of the axe were needed to sever Essex's head.


Elizabethan Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex
Details, facts and information about other famous people in Elizabethan Times can be accessed via the Elizabethan Era Sitemap.

Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex

  • Interesting Facts and information about Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex in Elizabethan Times
  • People, events and Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex in Elizabethan Times
  • Major Figures during Elizabethan Times

Queen Elizabeth's Coat of Arms


Queen Elizabeth's Coat of Arms

Robert Devereux 2nd Earl of Essex


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By Linda Alchin