Picture of Sir Humphrey Gilbert

Sir Humphrey Gilbert

  • Interesting Picture, Timeline,  Facts and information about Sir Humphrey Gilbert in Elizabethan Times
  • Timeline and Short Biography about the life of Sir Humphrey Gilbert - Explorer and Soldier
  • Facts, Picture and History of Sir Humphrey Gilbert
  • Famous Explorer - Sir Humphrey Gilbert

Picture of Sir Humphrey Gilbert

Sir Humphrey Gilbert

Short Biography of the life of Sir Humphrey Gilbert - Explorer and Soldier
The following biography information provides basic facts about the life Sir Humphrey Gilbert:

  • Nationality - English
  • Lifespan - 1539 - 1583
  • Family - Half brother to Sir Walter Raleigh, cousin to Sir Francis Drake
  • Education - Eton and Oxford University
  • Career - Explorer and Soldier
  • Famous for : Established St Johns, Newfoundland in 1583
  • Ambition: To discover a North West Passage to Cathay ( the Orient )

Facts, Timeline & History about the life of Sir Humphrey Gilbert Explorer, Privateer and Soldier

The following are additional facts with a timeline about the life and history of Sir Humphrey Gilbert:

  • 1539 Sir Humphrey Gilbert was born in Compton in Devonshire
  • 1562 -1563: Sir Humphrey Gilbert served with an English force at Le Havre
  • 1565: Sir Humphrey Gilbert petitioned Queen Elizabeth in order to find a Northwest sea passage via America to Cathay
  • 1566: Sir Humphrey Gilbert  completed a treatise, the title of which, when later revised, was “A discourse of a discoverie for a new passage to Cataia” to prove the existence of a northwest passage
  • 1569: Sir Humphrey Gilbert fought in the Irish War for England
  • 1570: Humphrey Gilbert was knighted
  • 1570: Sir Humphrey Gilbert married the heiress Anne Aucher
  • 1575-78 Three exploratory trips by English buccaneer Martin Frobisher to Labrador in fruitless search for a Northwest Passage to Asia. These attempts were backed by Queen Elizabeth and Humphrey Gilbert. Sir Humphrey Gilbert consulted John Dee on maps and possible routes
  • 1576: “A discourse of a discoverie for a new passage to Cataia” by Sir Humphrey Gilbert was published
  • 1578: Queen Elizabeth granted Sir Humphrey Gilbert a patent to discover and settle new English colonies "to inhabit and possess all remote and heathen lands". He begins to search for the Northwest Passage. Sir Humphrey Gilbert also became a Privateer, his many target was the Spanish treasure fleet
  • 1578 Sir Humphrey Gilbert also became a Privateer, his many target was the Spanish treasure fleet. Humphrey Gilbert sailed for America with 350 men but was forced to return
  • Sep 26, 1578 Sir Humphrey Gilbert sets sails from Dartmouth to the New World. The attempt soon fails due to lack of equipment and lack of discipline
  • 1582: Sir Humphrey Gilbert arranged for the settlement of English Catholics in America
  • Jun 11, 1583: Sir Humphrey Gilbert departs England with five ships for the New World and Newfoundland
  • Aug 3, 1583: Sir Humphrey Gilbert arrives at Newfoundland and claims it in the name of the Crown
  • Sep 9, 1583 : Sir Humphrey Gilbert drowns at sea on his journey home

Famous Elizabethans - Sir Humphrey Gilbert - Explorer and Soldier
Some interesting facts and biography information about the History, Life & Times of Sir Humphrey Gilbert.
Additional details, facts, history and information about the famous Elizabethans and events in Elizabethan Times can be accessed via the Elizabethan Era Sitemap.


Sir Humphrey Gilbert

  • Interesting Picture, Timeline, Facts and information about Sir Humphrey Gilbert in Elizabethan Times
  • Facts, Picture & History about Sir Humphrey Gilbert
  • Major Figures during Elizabethan Times
  • Important accomplishments, dates, Picture and events in the life and history of Sir Humphrey Gilbert
  • Interesting Picture, Timeline,  Facts and information about Sir Humphrey Gilbert in Elizabethan Times
  • Timeline and Short Biography about the life of Sir Humphrey Gilbert - Explorer and Soldier
  • Facts, Picture and History of Sir Humphrey Gilbert


Queen Elizabeth's Coat of Arms


Queen Elizabeth's Coat of Arms

Sir Humphrey Gilbert


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By Linda Alchin