Picture of Sir Martin Frobisher

Sir Martin Frobisher

  • Interesting Picture, Timeline, Facts and information about Sir Martin Frobisher in Elizabethan Times
  • Short Biography about the life of Sir Martin Frobisher - Explorer, Soldier and Privateer
  • Picture, Facts and History of Sir Martin Frobisher

Picture Sir Martin Frobisher

Sir Martin Frobisher

Short Biography of the life of Sir Martin Frobisher - Explorer, Soldier and Privateer

The following biography information provides basic facts about the life Sir Martin Frobisher:

  • Nationality - English
  • Lifespan - 1535 - 1594
  • Family - Father was Bernard Frobisher, a Yorkshire merchant
  • Education - London School
  • Career - Explorer, Soldier, Pirate and Privateer
  • Ambition : To discover a Northwest sea passage via America to Cathay
  • Martin Frobisher was famous for his attempts to discover a North-West passage and his voyages to Labrador and Greenland

Facts, Timeline & History about the life of Sir Martin Frobisher - Explorer, Soldier and Privateer

The following are additional facts and timeline about the life and history of Sir Martin Frobisher:

  • 1535: Martin Frobisher was born in Yorkshire, England - the fourth son of Elizabethan merchant
  • Sent to stay with a relative, Sir John York, in London where he attended a London school
  • The early life of Martin Frobisher brought him into contact with the London seamen
  • 1553: Martin Frobisher sailed on a merchant ship to Guinea
  • 1555: Frobisher was captured by the Portuguese in West Africa but managed to escape back to England
  • 1559, 30 May : Martin Frobisher married Isabel Richard
  • 1555 - 1575 Martin Frobisher became an Elizabethan privateer
  • Elizabethan Privateers were lawful pirates who were authorised by their government and sovereign to attack the treasure ships of enemy nations. The English government issued ‘letters of marque’ to the famous Elizabethan pirates which licensed these sailors to plunder enemy ships - Spanish ships
  • 1559, 30 May : Martin Frobisher married Isabel Richard
  • 1564 : Martin Frobisher married Dorothy Wentworth
  • 1566: Sir Martin Frobisher was fascinated with a treatise written by Sir Humphrey Gilbert entitled“A discourse of a discoverie for a new passage to Cataia” which aimed to prove the existence of a northwest passage via America to Cathay
  • 1569/70: Martin Frobisher fought in the Irish War for England
  • 1575-78 Three exploratory trips by English buccaneer Martin Frobisher to Labrador in fruitless search for a Northwest Passage to Asia. These attempts were backed by Queen Elizabeth and Humphrey Gilbert. Sir Humphrey Gilbert consulted John Dee on maps and possible routes
  • 1576 Jul 28, Martin Frobisher discovered Frobisher Bay in Canada. He explored Greenland and the Arctic region of Canada
  • 1577 March - Second voyage of Martin Frobisher - he brings back three Inuit captives to London, Believes he has discovered gold
  • 1578: Third voyage of Martin Frobisher -sailed into the Hudson 'Mistaken' Straits. The ore he brings back is not gold his backers suffer huge financial loss
  • Out of favour, Frobisher spends the next few years guarding the seas around Ireland and making pirate voyages as a Privateer
  • 1585: Martin Frobisher makes a successful pirate raid on the Spanish fleet with Sir Francis Drake
  • 1588: Spanish Armada of 132 ships sails for England. England's navy consists of 34 ships and 163 armed merchant vessels
  • 1588 Jul 29, The Spanish Armada was sighted off the coast of England
  • 1588 Jul 30, The English exchanged fire with the Spanish Armada
  • 1588 Aug 8, The English Navy destroys the Spanish Armada
  • 1588: Spanish Armada of 132 ships sails for England. England's navy consists of 34 ships and 163 armed merchant vessels
  • 1588 Jul 29, The Spanish Armada was sighted off the coast of England
  • 1588 Jul 30, The English exchanged fire with the Spanish Armada
  • 1588 Aug 8, The English Navy destroys the Spanish Armada
  • 1588: Martin Frobisher is knighted for his brave service fighting the Armada
  • 1589: Sir Martin Frobisher and other famous seamen guard the sea approaches to Ireland
  • 1590-1594 Sir Martin Frobisher again acts as a Privateer attacking Spanish ships
  • 1594 Nov 22 Sir Martin Frobisher was killed while leading an assault on a Spanish fortress in Brittany

Interesting Picture, Timeline, Facts and Information about Sir Martin Frobisher
Some interesting facts, timeline and biography information about the History, Life & Times of Sir Martin Frobisher


Sir Martin Frobisher

  • Interesting Picture, timeline, Facts and information about Sir Martin Frobisher in Elizabethan Times
  • Short Biography about the life of Sir Martin Frobisher
  • Picture, Facts and History about Sir Martin Frobisher
  • Major Figures during Elizabethan Times
  • Important accomplishments, picture, dates and events in the life and history of Sir Martin Frobisher - Sir Martin Frobisher
  • Elizabethan Explorer, Soldier and Privateer


Queen Elizabeth's Coat of Arms


Queen Elizabeth's Coat of Arms

Sir Martin Frobisher


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By Linda Alchin